If you don’t have a vision of what your business is going to look like when we come out of this crisis, you may find yourself in a tough situation. Imagine yourself in the middle of a stream, the other side in sight but without vision to reach the other side. What happens? You’re taken away by the current before reaching the bank.
Emerging from a Crisis
We’re more than four weeks into the COVID-19 crisis, and for some of us in our businesses there are some green shoots appearing. We’re starting to think about the other side of chaos and what it will look like coming out of this crisis.
Having a vision in a time of crisis is not an easy task to do, but it’s a very important task. It’s important because you have an opportunity to define your business as it should be. You have an opportunity to look at the market as you never have done before. And one of the things about a crisis and being locked away in hibernation, is that we have time.
With Challenge comes Opportunity
During these last two weeks, I’ve been speaking regularly with many of my clients, and they’ve been using their time to survive. They’ve spent the time to get the government funding in place. To get the job keeper payments understood to underwrite their bottom-line.
And when they finish that process, what is the next step they need to take?
Choosing the Best Path
When we’re crossing the stream, we’re setting down rocks to make a path to the other side. You can see the other side, and you know where you have to go… But there’s lots of ways to slip on those rocks. You might need to go backwards as well as forwards. And ultimately, you have to remain agile.
So part of having a vision is knowing where you want to go, but also what steps to take.
In my role as a business coach, I help owners have conversations with an independent sounding board. I test your ideas and strategies and we do some risk assessments. Those risk assessments basically look out for the pitfalls and those slippery rocks as we make it to the other side.
What You Need to Do
Having a vision requires a leadership role of the owner. You must take a look forward, identify the slippery rocks, and ask: what could my business look like?
This is a great opportunity to have a clean slate. An opportunity to fix things that probably became a habit in your old business, but don’t necessarily have to be true in your new business.
But it takes courage. And it’s an opportunity that you have to grab with both hands.
My encouragement to you as business owners is to take this time and show your courage. Use this time of crisis to have a look across the other side and imagine what your business could be like.
Grab the Opportunity with Both Hands
My role as a business coach is to unlock six figures and beyond in your business. And I know I can help you do that. In the next weeks, I’ll be sharing with you other tips to help you work out what your vision is, and the steps to take towards your vision. With a vision in place, we can look at an implementation plan, so we have the path out of this crisis and a way forward.
I look forward to sharing these tips with you in the coming weeks about how strategy can help you build a better business.
If you’re wondering what you should be doing, or need a sounding board for your ideas, don’t hesitate to get in contact with me or book a time to chat http://bit.ly/timewithdavid