We all want to generate those positive online reviews right?

Online reviews are invaluable. Not only do they lend credibility to your business, but oftentimes they are the deciding factor that takes a customer from sitting on-the-fence to leaping into a sale. So how do we actually generate positive online reviews?

Have you ever noticed this?

How often do you walk into a store and see someone looking at their phone? Or walking down the street on your way to coffee? Or around your office?

People are constantly in communication with their friends, family, and followers. They’re also consistently checking and updating their social media. And most importantly? They are searching and checking products and brands as they purchase them.

While reviews are often at the forefront of a consumers mind, as Business Coach I see far too often clients who overlook, deprioritise, or don’t even consider their online reviews.

These days consumers are continually keeping their friends, family, and social media accounts in the loop about their experiences. In turn, these experiences are being used to drive buying behaviour.

Every business coach knows that a strong business strategy for any business should include a section on generating positive online reviews. However! Simply crossing your fingers and wishing for organic growth in online reviews is not a strategy!

A secret tip from a Business Coach

If you’re looking for a strong strategy to generating online reviews, I have somewhere for you to start.

Of course we’d all like those reviews that reflect positively on our business, but what really is going on? Go to a family member or a friend, and describe your business.

  • Try describe your business accurately as it is at current.
  • Next, consider if what you’ve described is what you would like your customers to write about you.
  • Check your online reviews; does this match up?
  • Ensure alignment of expectation and delivery.
  • Re-calibrate.

The way a customer experiences your business and their expectation of what they read about you online needs to be aligned. If you don’t meet their expectations, this creates an opportunity for disappointment or a lost sale. This is more important than ever because reviews are so highly regarded.

If you check your reviews and there is a disconnect from your product or service, it’s time to do some research. As a business coach I often spend time with business owners examining business strategies, marketing, and other factors. Ultimately we want to ensure alignment between consumer expectation and delivery.

‘ROBO’ – A new trend

Has anyone heard the term ROBO? Or you may be more familiar with the term ‘Research online, buy offline’.

Research online, buy offline is a common trend these days whereby consumers read reviews and research their potential purchase online, before heading in-store to purchase directly.

This means that having a great sales team and staff may not guarantee you a sale. If your reviews online are not outstanding, you may not be reaching potential sales targets. If a competitor has stronger reviews, have you lost the sale to them?

Reliance on reviews means we need to be aware of the consumer’s mindset before we even come into contact with them.

A recent study that examined the data of 4.59 million individuals over 32 retailers in 9 countries, found that 56% of shoppers read online reviews before purchase^1. Even when it comes to brick-and-mortar buyers, 45% read reviews before purchase.

A whopping 56%!

Stop to think about that. More than half of your potential customers are checking the reviews online about your product or service before they buy. You can see the value of incorporating online reviews into your business strategy. This must be a priority.

If consumer opinion is influencing consumer opinion now more than ever – and is simultaneously more accessible than ever, – then we need to ensure we are putting our best foot forward.

Online reviews are often overlooked by business owners, but as business coach I am here to examine and analyse your business strategy with you. I am here to ensure you are reaching your potential, whilst giving you back valuable time. As Business Coach, it is my role to guarantee your increasing success and continued business growth. I am committed to helping you add six-figures and beyond to your bottom line using my 35+ years of experience in business.

If you need some help to improve your online reviews and create winning strategies so that you build a sustainable and successful business, then I am the business coach to get you there. Book a time with me here: Book a time slot!